talent developmentTalent Development

One of HR challenges is employee retention. Managing talent by providing training and opportunities for development and growth is one of the ways to retain your valuable employees. We have developed solutions that equip leaders in your organisation to effectively manage and coach employees to realise their full potential and increase employee loyalty.

These solutions have been designed with today’s managers in mind: so busy that they are unable to attend training classes or spend much time preparing for discussions with their direct reports.


team developmentTeam Development

A suite of products that equip a head of a team to more effectively build his/her team. Using emotional intelligence assessments team leaders become aware of team members motivators, strengths and weakness. All good leaders employ different styles and approaches depending on the outcomes they are trying to secure – and the Clear Direction Team Building package provides innovative tools for the team leader to use that lead to different outcomes.



We are unique in our approach in that we seek to understand the performance gaps on the team by use of assessment tools and design training to address these gaps. This approach is an eye-opener for individuals who become aware of what skills they lack to master their role and they willingly commit to a development plan. We also incorporate the culture and values of your company to reinforce and ensure alignment to what is important to the organisation.



We provide support to ensure your hire is the right fit for that particular role. Our assessments measure emotional intelligence, behavioural style and key motivators.When hiring, it is important to predict how a person will perform his or her duties in the new job.

We understand that each role in a company requires different competencies and so our tools are multi-level and versatile. They can be applied to all levels in a company; from entry-level to executive level.
An exciting new trend is Benchmarking – we have the ability to benchmark top performers in your organisation and use that information to hire new employees who match that benchmark.



The pace of business has changed -Leaders today are faced with numerous challenges and are required to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. Coaching helps leaders navigate transitions, accelerate performance and become more effective faster.
Leaders are promoted into positions of greater responsibility with little or no preparation for leading others and managing results at a different level. Without the new behaviours and skills necessary to achieve results you may soon discover a star employee performing at sub-optimal levels. Coaching is now offered as an investment in the long-term success of the company and its management and leadership teams.